Sir Ernest was a HeroEntry 2:
Honoured by the World
Adventure in his Blood
Cold Climate in his Soul
Kildare's favourite Son
Left his Blessed ship
Endurance, in the Pack Ice
Took his men to safety
On a bleak November day
Not one man was lost, that's why they call him 'Boss'So we're nearly there!Entry 3:
How do we begin to consider
And guess what we'll find in the distance?
Can we see ninety miles ahead, and
Know what is to come?
Let's have faith in The Boss who
Everyone trusts
To succeed and to conquer,
Or to pause now and return.
Not risking the worst that might be.Some left over from the first three SouthPole-siums:Entry 4:
How to preserve/protect your collection.
Antarctic maps worth collecting
Collecting Antarctic Art
K is missing from Rob's list -
Let's sneak in some Antarctic jokes
Expedition libraries: Books that went South.
Towards a short title catalogue
Of journals & diaries of Antarctic explorers.
Never was an Acrostic better than this...Snow you might say
Has its grip
Around the earth's poles.
Clinging on for for dear life!
Know this!
Large snowmen and snow women
Erected in jest
(The photo's on the internet)
Once halted an icebreaker in its tracks.
Never was there something so solid as snow!
Discovery ExpeditionEntry 2:
Under Scott's command
Both Shackleton and Wilson
Lend a helping hand
In trying to get the Furthest South
Next time perhaps, next time.Down SouthEntry 3:
Under the shadows of Erebus,
Below the top of Observation Hill,
Limped a shattered Tom Crean
Intent on delivering his news. His task,
Ne'er a more noble journey, was done!Dublin's SouthPole-sium, a Grand Affair,
Under a dress code - jackets for men - a real smart do.
But wait - what's this - torn jeans!?? (not allowed)
Letting in t-shirts!!?? What happened to P.O.S.H.??
In the Hibernian Club, something's amiss.
Now it's McDonalds, with sledging kit.
Acrostics, that popular polar pastime,Entry 3:
Never were more contested
Than during the Heroic Age of
Antarctic adventure and exploration.
Run forward a hundred years,
Contested at the SouthPole-sium,
Three acrostics is the challenge
In case you hadn't heard.
Cast your eye over this masterpiece,
A winner if ever there was one!An essay by Eliot tells us
No verse is free for
The man who wants to do
A good job.
Rats! How hard can it get?
Composing Three Acrostics
To fit these Antarctic templates.
I know - Include an iceberg or two,
Crashing and colliding and we arrive in -